The simplest way is to go to the crossword page you want and print
            the page out online

        1.  Double click on the crossword number that you want to download
             this will take you to a page with a picture of a blank crossword
            and underneath the crossword will be all the clues for that crossword

        2.  Place the mouse arrow in the middle of the blank crossword grid
             and press the RIGHT mouse button
            this should bring up a dialogue box with a number of choices....
            one of the choices will be:   SAVE IMAGE AS.......
            double click on this choice and another box should pop up
            asking you to save the image.  Go ahead and save the image
            remember which folder you saved it in and the name of the image
            (It would be a good idea to create a crossword folder and put all
            your crossword images in that folder.)

        3. Directly underneath the crossword grid image are the clues
            to the crossword in the form of ordinary text.
            one way to save these clues is to save the page
            Go to the top lefthand corner of the page and click on the word
            FILE this will bring down a number of choices....
            one of the choices is:    SAVE PAGE AS.......
            Go ahead and save the page
            remember which folder you saved it in and the name of the page
            (It would be a good idea to put these pages in the same crossword
            folder as the one above.)
           Another way to save these clues is to COPY and PASTE them
            which means you go to the clues you want to save then click and
            hold the mouse button down starting with the first clue and go to the
            last one. You should have all the clues "HIGHLIGHTED" next
            click on the word "EDIT" in the top left hand corner of the screen
            then click on the word "COPY" this will hold all the clues on the
            Now open your favorite wordprocessing program (any one will
            do) and click on the word "EDIT" at the top of the page, then
            click on the word "PASTE" All the clues should be in your
            word processing program ready to save and print.